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Nyewood CE

Junior School

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Our Staff

We have twelve classes in our school.  There are 4 classes in Year 3,  three in Year 4 and Year 5 with 2 classes in Year 6.  All classes are mixed ability, however children may be grouped for particular aspects of their learning within their classroom to allow them to be supported and challenged within their learning journey. Children are supported within their class by their class teacher as well as our team of teaching assistants.  Children with more specific needs e.g. Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) and English as an Additional Language (EAL) will be supported through more focused individual or group work during the school day. 


In line with Government guidelines, all teachers receive 10% non-contact time in order to carry out Planning, Preparation and Assessment of pupil progress (PPA Time).  In order to maintain continuity for children, PPA time at Nyewood is carried out by established staff at the school by Teachers and Higher Level Teaching Assistants. 


All of our staff, whether directly supporting children in class or not, are dedicated to ensuring our children reach their full potential, feel safe and feel happy during their time at the school. If you wish to speak to any member of staff, please do not hesitate to contact them via the office or directly in person.

Senior Leadership Team:


Mr. Tom Spurle (Headteacher)

Mr. Ollie Hughes (Deputy Headteacher/Year 5 & 6 phase leader)

Mrs. Kim Wood (Inclusion Manager) 

Mrs. Mindy Fowler (Business Manager)



Year 3 team:

Miss. Chloe Bleach - Salisbury Class

Miss. Molly Hutchinson- Canterbury Class

Mrs. Kerra Benbow/Mrs. Emily Lipscombe - Westminster Class

Mrs. Sian Elliman - Durham Class

Mrs. Sherryl Urquhart

Mrs.. Nina Hansford

Mrs. Leanne Spearpoint

Miss. Pam Langford

Miss. Gemma Beattie



Year 4 team:


Mr. Chris Galloway - Chichester class (Year 3/4 Phase Leader)

Miss. Lydia Battour - Exeter Class

Mr. Chris Campbell - York Class

Miss. Emma Bradley

Mrs. Pam Ayers

Mrs. Lynne Lee

Mrs. Helen Eldridge 



Year 5 team:


Miss. Bea Young - Peterborough Class

Miss. Sophie Weller - Gloucester Class

Miss. Abby Erskine - Lichfield Class

Mrs. Helen Eldridge

Mrs. Elly Willard-Mills

Mrs. Serena Mann



Year 6 team:


Mrs. Carol Owers - Guildford Class

Miss. Emma Grantham - Oxford Class

Mrs. Jill Ford

Mrs. Emma Oakes





Inclusion Team


Mrs. Kim Wood - Inclusion manager

Mrs. Tanya Williamson- Assistant SENDCo

Mrs. Sarah-Jayne Edwards - ELSA 

Mrs. Christine Banks - LSA



PPA Cover


Mrs. Donna Williams 

Mrs. Rachel Reynolds

Administration team:


Mrs. Emma West (Finance/Healthcare Lead)

Mrs. Becky Campbell (Receptionist/Fundraising and Wellbeing Lead/Youth Mental Health First Aider)

Mrs. Emma Barnes (PA to the Headteacher/Transition and Attendance)

Premises staff:


Mr. Mark Weller (Premises Manager)


Midday meal supervisors:


Mrs. Tracy White

Mrs. Sherryl Urquhart

Mrs. Sarah-Jayne Edwards

Miss. Emma Bradley

Mrs. Louise Gillen

Mrs. Rachel Reynolds

Miss. Gemma Beattie

Mrs. Elly Willard-Mills

Mrs. Serena Mann

Mrs. Pam Ayres 

Chartwells Kitchen Team:


Agnes and Sophia
