Why is fundraising important for the school?
School fundraising events are vital in the acquisition of products, equipment and resources that will aid the children in the school both within their academic work as well as for wider benefits such as social and physical development. Previously, funds raised have been used to acquire IPad's, playground equipment, books, author visits and Christmas lunches to name a few! Most recently, it has paid for a new trim trail area for break times and sensory equipment for our ELSA room. In the present climate of school budget cuts, fundraising helps the school to be able to provide some of these 'extras' that would not normally be able to be purchased.
What events take place?
A number of events take place over the school year such as fairs, cake sales, ice-Cream sales, sponsored bounces and discos to name a few, there are lots of exciting events planned for the year ahead! To ensure that these events take place Mr Hughes and Ms Evans undertake the organisation that is required. If you would like to help out in any way, please speak to Ms Evans via the school office who will take a note of your contact details. Any help is appreciated, which could be an hour leading up to an event preparing things or to helping during one of the events through the year.
What is the school currently raising funds for?
We are currently raising funds to re-develop our library area. This will cost in the region of £10-15,000 to completely re-do all of the shelving and seating areas to make this a more inviting space to inspire our children with their reading. We have currently raised just under £10,000 and hope to have the remaining money in place by the end of the Autumn term. Alongside this, as a school, we have been awarded £6,000 from the Foyle Foundation to spend on increasing and updating our book stock- these will be purchased in the Autumn term.
Completed projects:
Some of our most recent projects included implementing the trim-trail as part of improving our outside area. This has been a tremendous addition for our children who get to use it on a daily basis. A massive THANK YOU to everyone who helped make this project become a reality!