Distinctiveness of a Church school:
At Nyewood CE Junior School we ensure that we maintain and develop the school’s religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the Churches at Parish and Diocesan level.
The school aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith, and promotes Christian values through the experience it offers to all its pupils.
Our strong Christian ethos and values underpin everything that we do. We seek to encourage children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development alongside positively encouraging everyone to value themselves, respect each other whilst contributing to the school and wider community.
We offer a positive learning environment which supports and values each individual by encouraging them to be ’the best that they can be.’ By providing a broad and balanced curriculum which provides stimulating opportunities to enrich and extend the children’s learning experiences, we aim not just for excellence, but also for creativity and enjoyment. We strive to develop the whole child and provide them with the skills and attributes to flourish and succeed in a diverse and rapidly changing society.
There are three distinct kinds of Church of England school in partnership with local authorities (LAs):
The school is owned by the church, a majority of the Governors are appointed by the Church, the teachers are appointed and employed by the governing body, the cost of repairs and capital projects is raised by the governing body with 90% grant from the DfES, religious education and worship are distinctively Anglican, the governing body is the admissions authority;
The school is owned by the Church, the Church appoints Governors, but there is no Church majority on the governing body, the teachers are employed by the Local Education Authority, the LEA funds repairs and capital projects, religious education follows the local agreed syllabus, the worship is Anglican;
The foundation owns the school, the governing body employs the staff and is the admissions authority, the Church appoints a minority of Governors, religious education follows an agreed syllabus and the worship is Anglican.
Nyewood CE Junior School is a Voluntary Aided School
We are a group of Church schools who work closely together and serve one another for the good of all our children and the wider school community.
ABCD Church Schools group vision statement:
Further Church links:
Our termly Eucharist services are led by Mother Lucy and take place either at our school or at St. Richard’s church. These services are a joy and attended and enjoyed by all our children and staff.
The Big Frieze enables children to become aware of the wider context of each concept within the bible and where a particular text occurs within the ‘big story’. These include; Creation, The Fall, People of God, Incarnation, Salvation, Gospel and Kingdom of God.