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Nyewood CE

Junior School

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Our Governors

The Governors of Nyewood CE Junior School are people who have been appointed to ensure that the children in our school are given every opportunity to thrive and fulfil their potential. Our Governing Board is made up of a number of committed, dedicated and talented people who each bring a range of skills to governance.  


The Governing Board's role is that of ‘critical friend’ who will challenge and hold to account the school's leadership team on issues of performance, effectiveness and finance. The day-to-day running of the school is managed by our highly qualified and experienced Headteacher, Senior Leadership Team and staff. We adopt a Circle Model approach to governance, where the Board works as a whole team, rather than under numerous, separate committees. We meet seven times a year and also engage in in-school visits and monitoring relevant to our roles on the Board.    


Who are our Governors? 


At Nyewood CE Junior School, our Governing Board consists of twelve governors, as follows: 


a. Two parent governors (voted in by the parent community of the school if there is more than 1 candidate) 


b. One local authority governor (appointed by the local authority) 


c. One staff governor (voted in by the teaching staff of the school) 


d. One headteacher.  


e. Seven Foundation governors (appointed by the church) 


The Diocese of Chichester shall appoint five Foundation Governors from the local parishes on the recommendation of the Parochial Church Councils of the Parish of St Wilfrid, Bognor Regis and the Parish of Aldwick. The holders of the following office shall be Foundation Governor Ex-Officio: The incumbent of the Parish of St Wilfrid, Bognor Regis and the incumbent of the Parish of Aldwick. All of these governors have a special remit to ensure that the school preserves its particular religious character. 

Our Governors are:

Alan Foster (Co-Chair)

Stephen Manning (Co-Chair)

Rebecca Webb 

Nigel Brown 

Toni Dean

Dave Green

Tom Spurle

Mindy Fowler

Abby Erskine





Parent Governor role

Foundation Governor role

About our Governors:


Alan Foster:


Alan Foster is Co-Chair of the Governing Board and also a Foundation Governor. In addition to the standard governor roles he is the school’s Safeguarding Governor and is also a member of the Headteacher’s  Performance Review Panel and has responsibility for maths as well as art and design technology.


Stephen Manning:


Stephen Manning is Co-Chair of the Governing Board and also a Foundation Governor who was appointed in July 2022. Stephen is the Governor responsible for Finance, Disadvantaged Children and Science. He is also a member of the Pay Committee.


Rebecca Webb:


Rebecca Webb is a Foundation Governor and has been a member of the Governing Board at Nyewood CE Junior School since 2018. Rebecca is the Governor responsible for English and Foundation subjects. Rebecca is an experienced Governor, having served on the Governing Board at Nyewood CE Infant School for 4 years before joining us here at the Junior School to which she has also been Chair of Govenors previously.


Nigel Brown:


Nigel Brown is a Foundation Governor who has been a member of the Governing Board at Nyewood CE Junior School since 2019. Nigel is responsible for SEND provision, Inclusion and Wellbeing.


Toni Dean:


Toni Dean has been a member of the Governing Board at Nyewood CE Junior School since January 2021. Toni is a parent governor and is responsible for Training and health and safety. She also supports the safeguarding lead governor. 


Abby Erskine:


Abby Erskine is a member of staff at the school, teaching in Year 3. She is responsible for representing the school staff within Governor meetings. 


Dave Green:


Dave Green is an Ex-Officio Foundation Governor and was appointed in March 2024. Dave is the Curate at St. Wilfrid's Church and his responsibilities include RE and the Christian Distinctiveness Group. He is also involved in leading worship assemblies in school.


Tom Spurle:


Tom Spurle is the Headteacher within the school. His role on the Governing Board is to be the main point of contact between the Governors and the school. As part of the role of the Headteacher, the Governor's explore and help steer the school's strategic development and are responsible for holding the Headteacher to account. 




Governor attendance at Full Governing Body meetings
